A happy person is someone who has a positive outlook on life and is able to experience joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction in their day to day activities. Being happy is not just about having a pleasant disposition; it is also about feeling content with your life and finding meaning in your experiences. In order to cultivate true happiness, it’s important to focus on those things that bring you joy and ensure that you take time out of each day for self-care.
Who is happy person?
On the one hand, it is often said of happy people from the outside, "He looks like a happy person." A happy person is usually a person who is lively, cheerful, smiling, energetic, a person whose face shows that he is doing well. If we deal not with external signs, but with an internal feeling, things are much more complicated.
For some people happiness is something very calm and transparent, for others happiness is a peak experience, and to argue here which happiness is real, with screams or in relaxation, I think, is not very productive. Especially since so many people believe that happiness is not a feeling, but rather an evaluation of what's going on "the world is beautiful, and everything that happens is right." In ancient Greece, every Greek, old and young, men and women alike, knew what true happiness was and who was a happy person. It had nothing to do directly with feelings, it had to do with facts: a happy man is one who lived a decent life, had a good family and died for his homeland.

Now, if you died fighting for your country, had a good family, and lived your life as a decent man, everyone will tell you that you lived a happy life. This is a very different vision from the modern one, but maybe as a result of this vision, Ancient Greece has remained in the memory of humanity as the cradle of civilization.
As for how to become happy, I can tell you that the recipes will be very different for different people. Happiness can be likened to a house: if the house has a rotten foundation, then making the house beautiful, hanging pink curtains and playing music is quite stupid, because the house is shaky and there is a bad smell coming from the basement. So if a person has serious problems of the soul, it is too early to look for happiness; first of all it is necessary to put things in order in the soul.
But if a man has order in his soul, the house of his soul is on a good foundation, everything is good and solid. But sometimes there is no beauty there, no music, and only then it needs to be adjusted, to build up happiness. There's a very good formulation in this regard: "Happiness is not the goal of life, but a way of being.
If you have learned to see joy in everything, if you have meaning in your life, if you know how to live cheerfully, if you know how to see pluses in what you do, in what others do, if you know how to be grateful, and you have learned to bring joy to yourself and others, you are living happily, and anyone who looks at you will say that this is true.
A person will feel happiness inside when he is used to living happily, and if this is not just a feeling, but he is really living a meaningful and beautiful life, and even turning on his head, he will say, "Yes, my life is really happy, I have done a lot of worthy things in this life."
In summary, a happy person is one who lives a meaningful, purposeful and beautiful life; has learned to be grateful and see joy in the little things around him; has learned to bring joy to himself and others. Becoming a happy person requires a commitment to living life purposefully, with gratitude, and actively seeking out moments of joy.
In conclusion, becoming a happy person requires hard work and dedication to build up an appreciation of life’s joys and the beauty of the world. It requires commitment to maintaining one's mental health, understanding one's purpose in life, and learning ways to bring joy to oneself and others. Once these elements are in place, a person will be able to live happily and share that happiness with those around them.