Now it is impossible to recount all the dreams of creative souls, in which, barely smelling the smell of morning coffee, the Muse comes. The beauty does not hurry to go away - it is too good for her in a quiet office with a view of a blooming garden. Miraculously, a table is set for lunch. The house is always clean and comfortable. No one and nothing distracts her from her work. Only for the web-wallet has to watch out - as if it is not overfilled ...
Waking up...
It's possible that for some people such dreams come true. All the other spiritualized personalities, no matter how you look at it, have to combine the solution of household issues with a flight of inspiration.
How do you do this, so as not to get bogged down in the rut of obligations and not to stifle a bright fresh idea in the creative turmoil? How to add a few hours to the day and properly calculate time and energy? How to stay healthy and where to look for sources of inspiration?
Time management - a kind of art of effective use of time. If it's hard to imagine how you can corral your creative personality into a clear planning framework, you need to try and approach the process creatively.
For example, let's order the life of a domestic web-scriber. Immediately triple complication of the task - let it be a woman (automatically added to the care of the household and childcare).
Provide "brainstorming"
Birth of a masterpiece is usually preceded by a process of nurturing the idea for a long time. I suggest dividing these stages as follows: in the morning, even before breakfast, give food to your imagination - look through the news, read newsletters, blogs, online magazines.
More often than not, your thought goes straight to work, latching on to some images you see. If the idea for the article was determined in the evening, it's even easier. Read only what is useful as material for work. Give this activity no more than 40 minutes.
Then close everything, go to the morning chores. Wash your face, make your bed, eat your breakfast, prepare your workspace. Rest assured that every minute now works for your idea. As you go through the daily routine, you keep thinking.
Notepad and pen should follow you to all rooms of the apartment, so that successful pictures and vivid verbal turns are not lost in the whirlwind of daily routine.
This is how you can get the lion's share of the obligatory chores done. Take care of dinner and cleaning, visit the store and stand in line at the passport office. The main thing is to keep brainstorming all this time, so that the image of your future creation becomes clearer and more detailed by the minute.
Visualizing time

Planning is a must - it will help you not get distracted by everyday problems at the most inopportune moment. In addition, you will have more assurance that everything is under control. Your mind is at peace, and that means there is room for inspiration.
Where to plan?
This question for a creative person is not idle - everything must be beautiful, everything should give pleasure. Here you can orient on your own taste: a regular notebook, Google Calendar or Mail-router agenda (if you have constant access to the Internet), Outlook or a variety of telephone organizers. Any of these options (except paper, of course) allow you to use audible reminders on your cell phone.
The main thing is to see the entire scope of work for the day, week, or even month, so that no little things distract you from the creative process.
How to plan?
First, the plan should be structured by areas: creative projects, children, apartment, food, health, education, communication, entertainment, etc. It all depends, of course, on the circle of your family commitments and lifestyle. First write separate to-do lists for each area, and then scatter these items of the plan for the days of the week.
Secondly, it is advisable to make a plan for each day of the week with a recurring list of events that will be only slightly adjusted as necessary. Unchanged is the only block devoted to work on a creative project. Try to distribute everything else intelligently over the seven days, planning not only household chores, but also professional improvement, preparation for family holidays, sports, and socializing.
For example, on Mondays, you have a big cleaning in the kitchen and studying website creation programs. On Tuesdays, you do laundry of color, go to the gym, and post an article on the School-Life. ru Web site. Wednesdays - wet cleaning in all the rooms, studying a course on the intricacies of copywriting, processing photos for printing. Also read about td bank gift card balance.
Take care of breakfast, lunch, and dinner preparations in advance, too. I've been writing my own menu for several years in a row for the entire week. Without a doubt, it saves time and money.
Learn to combine communication with children with other things to do. In the kitchen you can check the homework, and play in the sea battle. And to the very preparation of dinner is not bad to attach a child. Grate cheese or wash vegetables will be able to even a preschooler.
On how to keep perfect order in the house, spending a minimum of time, you can learn from the community "flying ladies. I think there is no better system of housekeeping today. I admire their creativity in completing the most tedious tasks. I advise you to borrow and incorporate into your system of time management suitable techniques for effective flying around the apartment.
What to do with time eaters
Phone conversations, pictures and clips on the Internet, TV series and programs "about the most important thing", social networks, glossy magazines... Of course, some of the listed should be minimized, but much can be used as a source of ideas.
Notepad and pen always with you? Then make a page of "ideas" and write there the thoughts that came to you while watching, for example, criminal news. In the future you will gather material for a full article on "How to protect yourself from pickpockets.
Thus, the time spent with pickpockets, you can write down in your plan as "Replenishing the bank of ideas.
Combine the useful with the pleasant
The above-mentioned "brainstorming" in some cases is unproductive. You may be very tired, dealing with the previous project, so a little "reset" does not hurt. Don't be lazy to stock up on enough of your favorite music and audiobooks in case of a long cleanup. For a new inspiration you need a powerful charge of positive emotions. Have you ever tried cleaning windows with the Paul Moria orchestra?
Don't drive yourself to exhaustion
Many creative natures have two problems. First, you spend a long time trying to organize yourself to get started, and once you get involved, you completely stop feeling the time. That's how 12 to 14 hours go by. After three days, intense fatigue sets in, and it takes several days to recover.
Sometimes your obligations to the client force you to work in such a mode, but more often it comes from general disorganization.
Try to devote no more than 6-7 hours a day to work. In fact, it will be more (add brainstorming that you combined with household chores). Every 2-3 hours do a warm-up for the back and a set of relaxing exercises for the eyes. You can work in such a mode every day and quite fruitfully.
One last thing. Try to make all the housewives one simple thing - you are not a housewife. You just work in the home office. Get reverent about your creative inspiration, your workspace, and your personal time. Start changing your life today so you have more time for inspiration! Invite it in more often...