Traveling is always fun and interesting. And if you have your own car, when you decide to go on a trip, there are many more opportunities and prospects. With your own vehicle, you can go without obstacles for the whole family to explore not only the expanses of their country, but also the countries of the near abroad.
Many are afraid to go "free sailing", fearing certain difficulties that will be encountered on the way. Therefore, before you make a choice in the direction of this method of travel, it is worth understanding all its pros and cons.
In order to be sure of the correctness of his decision, it is necessary to know what advantages a person has, going to travel by car before other travelers.
- First of all, it is a complete freedom. Making a journey in your own car, you choose your own route and places to visit. During such a trip you can always stay in the most favorite place or deviate from the course if necessary. Often there are situations when you learn about something only on the way, and the bus or train does not visit the place or does not stop.
- Sufficiently low cost for the entire trip, though, provided that the number of people in the car will be equal to the number of seats in the car. After all, for such a number of people to buy train or bus tickets are much more expensive.
- Mobility and freedom of decision. Travelling by car, you can always look at the store that came to mind on the way, or stop at the drugstore to buy the necessary items. In the train, of course, no such opportunity. Yes, and to provide for everything you need to take with you is difficult enough.
- You can always take any number of things with you, which will be limited only by the capacity of the car and its carrying capacity. In this case, no need to worry that the luggage exceeds the permissible mass.
- Always travel by car is much more interesting and fun, because there will not be strangers that will interfere. In your own car is easier to relax and enjoy the scenery outside the window. Not only are you in a better mood among your family, but it's much easier to relax.
- Relative savings in travel time, as the movement by car is always faster than by train. And it's much more convenient, because there will be more time for entertainment and exploring new places.

Main Disadvantages
- Traveling by car is not particularly convenient and comfortable type of travel. It is especially difficult to endure a long distance to the driver, who is constantly in tension, as he needs to keep his eyes on the road. He has a huge responsibility for the safety of passengers. And all the passengers will not be so comfortable, because the volume of the cabin of the car is not too large, will have to stay in one position for a long time. Even if there are two drivers in the car, it is difficult to provide proper rest for each of them. Also, when traveling by car will not always have the opportunity to visit the toilet if necessary, they are very rare on the highways.

- When traveling by car there is always the possibility that it will break down at the most unexpected moment, because it is a very complex mechanism. You can lose a lot of time and effort until you get help, and you can hardly do without strangers. And if you travel alone, it is very difficult to repair it and ask for help. It is good if you have a sufficiently acceptable understanding of the repair of your own car.
- When traveling by car, there are certain risks and dangers. For example, there is always the possibility of getting into an accident, even through no fault of your own. This is probably the most terrible thing. Secondly, on major roads often enough scammers and robbers are operating, and they often choose as a victim these very travelers. Such people are easy prey for them. And the meeting with the employees of the State Automobile Inspection is not the most desirable.
- During the overnight stay, you will need to look for the safest place to park your car. It is best to drive it to the parking lot, protected according to all the rules, but if it is located far from your place of residence, it will create a lot of inconvenience during the trip. Do not rely on your own alarm system, because the level of the thieves is very high. And a special parking lot for tourists is almost always very expensive.
Therefore, before you go on a trip in your car, you should weigh all the pros and cons. It is very important to assess the capabilities not only your own, but also your car.
- Do not go on a trip in your car, if you do not have confidence in it, as well as in their own abilities.
- It is best to have two drivers in the car, who can give each other a rest on the way.
- Before the trip should be only a good mood. Therefore it is very important to tune in positively and enjoy what is happening.
- It is not necessary to start the trip in bad weather.
- Travelling by car can be a very expensive pleasure, because if there is a breakdown, then all the repair work will have to take entirely on itself.
In the end, traveling by car is always a big responsibility first and foremost on the person who sits behind the wheel. He is responsible for everyone in the car: friends, family, animals, or just fellow travelers. Keep this in mind and try to make the road comfortable and relaxing not only for you, but also for your surroundings.