ORLAN began her own career as an art director in 1964 when she performed "Marches au ralenti" in her own home metropolis of Saint-Etienne. During these performances, she walked as slowly as possible between the 2 central parts of the metropolis. A year later, she delivered MesuRages, where she used her personal corpse as a measuring device. Using her "ORLAN-body" as a unit of measurement, she calculated how many people could fit in a given construction site. The first time she used her personal "Trosso", a set of household items and other things usually provided a young lady family after marriage, as a representation. Her "Trosso" was redesigned in a number of further plans.
About Creativity

In exchange for such, in order to condemn cosmetic surgery, ORLAN perceives it; in exchange for such, in order to deny male surgery, it connects it; and in exchange for such, in order to limit its identity, it defines it as "nomadic, mutant, variable, different". ORLAN said: "My work is a struggle against natural, inexorable, programmed nature, DNA (which is considered to be our direct competitor in terms of artists) and God!

Since 1998 ORLAN has been making a series of digital photos under the title "Self-Hybridization", where his personality is combined with the images of faces of past civilizations (masks, statues, paintings) of non-Western civilizations. 3 of them are already finished: pre-Columbian, Indian and African.In 2001, together with various painters and writers organized a series of banners "Le Plan du Film". The banners recognize the life of films that do not really exist. Posters are set to the hesitation of opinion and narrative, reflected in the public reality of individual roles and subjects.In 2007 ORLAN collaboratd with the Symbiotica laboratory in Australia, resulting in the creation of a bio-art installation "Harlequin Coat".The share of its current work is connected with "Suture/Hybridization/Cycle", a generative and general series of clothes made from Orlan's closet and focused on the seam: deconstruction of the clothes of the past, reconstructed into fresh clothes that emit sutures.