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My Work's Is Life

I believe that my works are alive. Standing next to them for hours and looking at details, I catch in them the threads that shine through the stream of life. These subtle, if subtle, notes give me the strength to realize my creative needs in reality. I draw inspiration from my own works and know that many people like them too.

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Orland Works:
Creativity and works by Orlan. It's like a breath of fresh air among modern artists. Such works are very original and beautiful in their own way. Orlan holds various events and participates in the social life of the art world.

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  • Orlan’s Influence on Ballet Aesthetics: Posthumanism, Body Art, and Transformation

    Orlan’s Influence on Ballet Aesthetics: Posthumanism, Body Art, and Transformation

    Orlan’s influence on ballet aesthetics has transformed the art form in groundbreaking ways. By incorporating elements of body art and posthumanism, Orlan has pushed the boundaries of ballet, encouraging a more inclusive and diverse representation of beauty and identity. Orlan's art, known for its provocative performances involving surgical modifications of her body, uses her body…

  • What is Contemporary Art?

    What is Contemporary Art?

    Emphasizing the philosophical, political, and social critique of the environment we live in, contemporary art spans the present and recent generations of artists. Unlike conventional art forms stressing aesthetics and beauty, modern art often questions the viewer's perspective of art with the unusual use of materials and concepts. Features and Peculiarities of Modern Art The…

  • Which Paint to Use? Inspiration for Artists and Insider Knowledge

    Which Paint to Use? Inspiration for Artists and Insider Knowledge

    The choice of what to paint for artists thinking about their next creative project is often influenced by a combination of personal enthusiasm and knowledge of present market trends. This all-inclusive book explores several painting genres in great depth, therefore covering every style. It especially emphasizes realism, a genre known for its exacting attention to…